Monday, May 16, 2022

Values Essay with an Epanalepsis (Class 22)

DUE: 2-25-22

Pick a value (or virtue), and write an essay exemplifying or demonstrating that chosen value.

Here are examples of values:
freedom, honesty, modesty, justice, fortitude, perseverance, faith, hope, charity, temperance, prudence

You MUST include an ePanalePsis.

Required stylistic techniques:
Indicate 1 of every DRESS UP
Indicate 5 OPENERs
Indicate 1 M3
Indicate an epanalepsis (as stated before)

Indicate 1 of every DRESS UP
Indicate 1 of every OPENER
Indicate 1 DEC
Indicate 1 M3
Indicate an epanalepsis (as stated before)

ALL the standard NOs apply (You MAY have 1 line of dialogue)
All the formatting must be correct.

You must state your value in your checklist.

Check and re-check your formatting (spacing, indentation, title block, font, etc.)
250 word minimum --- 550 word maximum

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