Monday, May 16, 2022

How to Succeed Essay & I Have a Dream (Class 13)

 DUE: 11-19-21

1) Write an article explaining HOW TO SUCCEED. You may use SRA #64 as a source AND you may do your own research.

Interviewing your parents is a completely acceptable form of outside research!

Cite your sources.
No required indications . . . use the stylistic techniques to make your essay better but do not indicate them.

NO banned words, contractions, or dialogue.

150 words minimum
300 words maximum

Here is the link to SRA #64  Success or Failure - Maybe it's all in the Mind

2) Begin to memorize the portion of MLK's I Have a Dream speech practiced in class. I have provided a doc with the speech followed by my mnemonic (memory) worksheet. You may use mine or make your own. The recitation date is December 17, 2021.

Links (again):

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