Monday, May 16, 2022

Compare Contrast & New Recitation (Class 17)

 DUE: 1-21-22

1) WE HAVE A NEW RECITATION! ​​See It Through (on website)
The recitation date will be February 4, 2022
Get ahead start and begin memorizing!!

2) Portfolios (completed to date) will be due at the end of February. Ask me about this in class!

3) Copy and paste your example sentences from class onto the top of your homework doc (above the 3 paragraph essay).

4) Essay Homework DUE: 1-21-22
Write a "3 body paragraph" compare and contrast essay.
We will add on the introduction and conclusion later.

Do your rough draft in your OMICRON Google doc. When it is finished, copy and paste it into the homework doc attached to this email.

Stylistic Requirements in each paragraph:
Indicate 1 of every DRESS UP
Indicate 1 of each OPENER (@ least 5 of the OPENERs!!)

NO banned words, contractions, or dialogue
You MUST include your name and date stamp, a correct title block, and proper formatting
You MUST include a checklist. There is a checklist template included in the attached homework doc.

FOR TEACHERS: Compare/Contrast Resource

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