Saturday, October 26, 2013

Due: Thursday, October 31, 2013 (Letter & no FI)

No FixIt homework
No Vocab homework

Essay Assignment:
Write a letter to a loved one, preferably to someone you care about greatly.
Choose someone who would especially appreciate a letter from you.
Suggestions in class included:
1) "My brother in Afghanistan"
2) "My Godparent in Ohio"
3) "My Grandmother"

• KWO first! Jot down reminders of what you want to share.
• Include RD and Checklist and KWO with finished essay/letter
• Minimum 3 paragraphs

THIS ASSIGNMENT ONLY! Include at least one of each dress-up and each opener (#2, #3, and #6)  in your whole letter. I AM NOT REQUIRING 1 per paragraph as usual. Soooooooo, start a new paragraph when you switch topics. Make sure each paragraph has at least 5 to 6 sentences minimum.

I will let you decide if you want to mail these letters after the essays ( letters) are graded. I really hope you will save a copy without the bolding, underlining, etc., so that you can mail to your loved one. Better yet, hand-write the one you are actually going to send.

Here is an example of what KWOs could include:

    Sweaters here Sunday
     Rain on Mon
     Roses happy 7Bloomed!
     Dogs loving it
     Fido outside lots
TY 4 sweater (still use!)
       liked zigzag embroidery
       People compliment
       Never want 2 outgrow
Funny thing class
     Teacher crazy!
      Acted like train
      Little Engine book
      Writing getting better
       A's on papers
       Share w/ U soon
Sister's school picture
       Silly smile
       Blinked eyes
       Teacher laughed
       Re-taking next week
Football game w/ neighbors
       Parents against kids
       P' better than expected!
       I caught pass
       Sister made touchdown
        ids won
Thanksgiving plans
         Can U come?
          Miss you
          @ least Skype
Homily @ Mass good 1!
         Priest told joke
         Gospel from Luke
         I understood & liked
         Had 2 explain 2 brother
         Included fav Bible verse
         Reading next Sun.'s B4 Mass
         Easier to follow
Learning to kayak
         Fell in twice
         Water not deep
         Dad took picture
         Will post on FB
         Practiced again yesterday
         River pretty & clam
         Heron, Fish, Dragonflies

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