Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Literary Devices Creative Writing (Class 32)

 HOMEWORK DUE: 5-20-22  (2 parts)

1)  Copy and paste your answers (literary devices worksheet) into the attached homework

2) Creative essay w/ 6 of the literary devices reviewed in class (from literary devices worksheet).
Other stylistic requirements include the indication of 
1 of every DRESS UP
1 of every OPENER
1 M3

You must also remember:
NO banned words, contractions, dialogue
Proper formatting
250 words minimum – 450 words maximum


Gerund Opener (Class 31)

DUE: 5-13-22

A substitute (Miss Kristy) taught for me (COVID)

Memorize the definition:  a gerund is a present participle verb form used as a NOUN.
A gerund is a #4 sentence opener IMPOSTER, but you must still be able to write excellently using it.

(Added by me: https://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/gerunds.htm)

Homework Assignment
Pick one of the following writing prompts
Write about the best meal you ever had.
Write about the best book you read this year.
Write about the vacation you would like to take over the summer.

Use all the dress-ups at least once and label them correctly.
Use all the sentence openers at least once and label them correctly.
Use all the elements of style you know and add at least one gerund sentence opener in your writing.

(Gerund/ (4) Imposter) Swimming is my favorite summer activity. 

Hodge Podge bc Stylistic Practice (Class 30)

Due: 5-6-22


Flip Flop these because DRESS UP sentences and make them (1)s:

Indicate correctly!

  1. I hate the cold because it chills me to the bone!

  1. You should finish your vegetables because they make you strong.

  1. Do not stay outside in the sun because you might get sunburn.

  1. You should stay with your tour guide because they will keep you safe.

  1. It is time to open the barn door because the animals are ready to be taken to the pasture.

  1. You need to stop adding sugar to your cereal because it is not good for you.

  1. She screamed because I startled her!

  1. It is time to wake up because we need lots of morning light for our art  projects.

  1. I keep adding hours to my work schedule because I need more money.

  1. She will be late because she is a slow driver.

Write a short essay* using the following stylistic techniques in this exact order. You MAY use filler sentences (sentences in between the required stylistic techniques). You must have TT/CC and include a checklist.

*Choose a writing prompt from below.

(S),      w/w,     QA,      (5),       (M3-v),      ly,       (6),      (8),      asia,      SV,     (3)

PROMPTS - Choose one

Write a story involving a friendship between two different species.


Start your story with somebody taking a photo.


Write about a character sowing seeds for the future (literally or figuratively).


Start your story with someone having their height marked on a door frame.

Complete the 3-Sentence-Story (Class 29)

DUE 4-29-22

• Insert a picture of your KWO (done in class - Morse Code) @  the bottom of this doc.

• Complete the 2-sentences to make a 3-Sentence Story.

• Be sure to use the stylistic requirement designated for each ending. You MUST indicate correctly.

• NO banned words.      NO contractions.      NO dialogue.

• Each ending must be different . . . . NO continuous stories. 





1) Facing the bully, Jared gathered his strength, clenched his fists, and charged. The other kids on the playground gasped in surprise.



2) Facing the bully, Jared gathered his strength, clenched his fists, and charged. The other kids on the playground gasped in surprise.



3) Facing the bully, Jared gathered his strength, clenched his fists, and charged. The other kids on the playground gasped in surprise.



4) Facing the bully, Jared gathered his strength, clenched his fists, and charged. The other kids on the playground gasped in surprise.



5) Under the watchful eye of the fierce overlord, the captives were forced to haul large rocks to the palace. Suddenly there was a loud rumbling!



6) Under the watchful eye of the fierce overlord, the captives were forced to haul large rocks to the palace. Suddenly there was a loud rumbling!



7) Under the watchful eye of the fierce overlord, the captives were forced to haul large rocks to the palace. Suddenly there was a loud rumbling!



8) Evening was fast approaching and the girls were completely lost in the woods. There was no way they would make it home before the darkness enveloped the land.

YOUR LAST  SENTENCE (M3- onomatopoeia  


9) Evening was fast approaching and the girls were completely lost in the woods. There was no way they would make it home before the darkness enveloped the land.



10) Evening was fast approaching and the girls were completely lost in the woods. There was no way they would make it home before the darkness enveloped the land.



11) His cloak was resplendent, his bearing kind and regal as his hand reached for the princess. She smiled and accepted his help into the carriage.



12) His cloak was resplendent, his bearing kind and regal as his hand reached for the princess. She smiled and accepted his help into the carriage.



13) His cloak was resplendent, his bearing kind and regal as his hand reached for the princess. She smiled and accepted his help into the carriage.



14) Even the stars were in mourning as the procession silently passed under the harvest moon. The crops had been burned by the invaders and the villagers had returned only to collect their meager belongings and start out under the cover of darkness to find a new home.



15) Even the stars were in mourning as the procession silently passed under the harvest moon. The crops had been burned by the invaders and the villagers had returned only to collect their meager belongings and start out under the cover of darkness to find a new home.



16) Even the stars were in mourning as the procession silently passed under the harvest moon. The crops had been burned by the invaders and the villagers had returned only to collect their meager belongings and start out under the cover of darkness to find a new home.



17) Among the puppies there was one tiny kitten purring contentedly. As the pups romped and played, the kitten blinked its eyes, yawned, and stretched. 



18) Among the puppies there was one tiny kitten purring contentedly. As the pups romped and played, the kitten blinked its eyes, yawned, and stretched. 



19) Among the puppies there was one tiny kitten purring contentedly. As the pups romped and played, the kitten blinked its eyes, yawned, and stretched. YOUR LAST  SENTENCE (3


20) The super hero competition was in one week and Hector was almost ready. He had been working on his flying skills, he had been powerlifting for months, and he could shoot fire from his fingertips.



21) The super hero competition was in one week and Hector was almost ready. He had been working on his flying skills, he had been powerlifting for months, and he could shoot fire from his fingertips.



22) The super hero competition was in one week and Hector was almost ready. He had been working on his flying skills, he had been powerlifting for months, and he could shoot fire from his fingertips.



23) The super hero competition was in one week and Hector was almost ready. He had been working on his flying skills, he had been powerlifting for months, and he could shoot fire from his fingertips.



24) Foraging for food, the baby squirrel scampered up the hill as his little nose sniffed the air for the sweet fragrance of strawberries. The succulent red berries were his favorite treat. 



25) Foraging for food, the baby squirrel scampered up the hill as his little nose sniffed the air for the sweet fragrance of strawberries. The succulent red berries were his favorite treat. 


The Etymology of the English Language (Class 28)

DUE: 4-15-22

KWO (take great notes!)

Write an essay explaining what you learned by watching and reading the 2 sources.
Required Stylistic Techniques:
Indicate 1 of each DRESS UP
Indicate 1 of each OPENER
Indicate 1 DEC
1 M3
OWL - optional

NO banned words, contractions, dialogue
List the sources under your essay
Include a checklist at the bottom
Insert a copy of your KWO


More people are trying to learn English than any other language in the world. English is the language of political negotiations and international business. It has become the international language of science and medicine. International treaties say passenger airplane pilots must speak English.

English is the major foreign language taught in most schools in South America and Europe. School children in the Philippines and Japan begin learning English at an early age. English is the official language of more than seventy-five countries including Britain, Canada, the United States, Australia, and South Africa.

In countries where many different languages are spoken, English is often used as an official language to help people communicate. India is good example. English is the common language in this country where at least twenty-four languages are spoken by more than one million people.

Where did the English language come from? Why has it become so popular? To answer these questions we must travel back in time about five thousand years to an area north of the Black Sea in southeastern Europe.

Experts say the people in that area spoke a language called Proto-Indo-European. That language is no longer spoken. Researchers do not really know what it sounded like.

Yet, Proto-Indo-European is believed to be the ancestor of most European languages. These include the languages that became ancient Greek, ancient German and the ancient Latin.

Latin disappeared as a spoken language. Yet it left behind three great languages that became modern Spanish, French and Italian. Ancient German became Dutch, Danish, German, Norwegian, Swedish and one of the languages that developed into English.

The English language is a result of the invasions of the island of Britain over many hundreds of years. The invaders lived along the northern coast of Europe.

The first invasions were by a people called Angles about one thousand five hundred years ago. The Angles were a German tribe who crossed the English Channel. Later two more groups crossed to Britain. They were the Saxons and the Jutes.

These groups found a people called the Celts, who had lived in Britain for many thousands of years. The Celts and the invaders fought.

After a while, most of the Celts were killed, or made slaves. Some escaped to live in the area that became Wales. Through the years, the Saxons, Angles and Jutes mixed their different languages. The result is what is called Anglo-Saxon or Old English.

Old English is extremely difficult to understand. Only a few experts can read this earliest form of English.

Several written works have survived from the Old English period. Perhaps the most famous is called Beowulf. It is the oldest known English poem. Experts say it was written in Britain more than one thousand years ago. The name of the person who wrote it is not known.

Beowulf is the story of a great king who fought against monsters. He was a good king, well liked by his people. 

The next great invasion of Britain came from the far north beginning about one thousand one hundred years ago. Fierce people called Vikings raided the coast areas of Britain. The Vikings came from Denmark, Norway and other northern countries. They were looking to capture trade goods and slaves and take away anything of value.

In some areas, the Vikings became so powerful they built temporary bases. These temporary bases sometimes became permanent. Later, many Vikings stayed in Britain. Many English words used today come from these ancient Vikings. Words like “sky,” “leg,” “skull,” “egg,” “crawl,” “ lift” and “take” are from the old languages of the far northern countries.

The next invasion of Britain took place more than nine hundred years ago, in ten sixty-six. History experts call this invasion the Norman Conquest. William the Conqueror led it.

The Normans were a French-speaking people from Normandy in the north of France. They became the new rulers of Britain. These new rulers spoke only French for several hundred years. It was the most important language in the world at that time. It was the language of educated people. But the common people of Britain still spoke Old English.

Old English took many words from the Norman French. Some of these include “damage,” “prison,” and “marriage.” Most English words that describe law and government come from Norman French. Words such as “jury,” “parliament,” and “justice.”

The French language used by the Norman rulers greatly changed the way English was spoken by eight hundred years ago. English became what language experts call Middle English. As time passed, the ruling Normans no longer spoke true French. Their language had become a mix of French and Middle English.

Middle English sounds like modern English. But it is very difficult to understand now. Many written works from this period have survived. Perhaps the most famous was written by Geoffrey Chaucer, a poet who lived in London and died there in fourteen hundred. Chaucer’s most famous work is “The Canterbury Tales,” written more than six hundred years ago.

English language experts say Geoffrey Chaucer was the first important writer to use the English language. They also agree that Chaucer’s great Middle English poem gives us a clear picture of the people of his time.

SOURCE: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/where-did-english-come-from/1571948.html

The Etymology of OK (Class 27)

The Etymology of OK  DUE: 4-8-22

Take notes and then rewrite this information.  200 words minimum / 450 words maximum
Indicate 1 of each DRESS UP
Indicate 1 of  each OPENER
Indicate 1 DEC
Indicate 1 M3

Formatting rules must be followed
NO banned words, contractions, or dialogue
Introduction and Conclusion paragraphs required
The number of body paragraphs is your choice. 
Include a properly filled out CHECKLIST at the bottom of your essay

The Four Personality Tendencies - Gretchen Rubin (Class 26)

Please check the website for COMPLETE details needed for this assignment. 
Here is a synopsis:
Write a 6 paragraph essay:
4 body paragraphs

You must explain who Gretchen Rubin is, what the four personality tendencies are, and which one you are (according to the quiz OR your own opinion). 
Provide examples. Explain outer and inner expectations.

Stylistic Techniques:
Indicate 1 of every DRESS UP
Indicate 1 of every OPENER
Indicate 1 DEC
Indicate 1 M3
checklist (w/ hook style) required

No banned words. No contractions. No dialogue

300 word minimum
600 word maximum